In order to ensure high academic achievement for all students at Brown International, teachers instruct with a research based core curriculum in reading, writing and math to ensure that students are challenged academically, and, if necessary, to receive interventions for subject mastery. Teachers monitor the progress of students on a regular basis, differentiating instruction to support all students’ learning. This inquiry based program focuses on the development of the whole child, encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic development. As an IB World School, Brown is a high quality program that engages the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. Students who demonstrate a need for additional academic support participate in pull out groups with the Gifted & Talented teacher to expand their learning.
Please visit Brown’s Gifted and Talented website created by Mrs. Jaquette.
Teachers meet with the GT teacher several times in the school year to discuss and monitor students’ progress. The GT teacher also meets with teachers to offer resources, recommendations and support both academic and emotional growth. The GT teacher also meets with parents frequently to discuss student achievement, goal setting, and ways to support their student at home.
The GT coordinator will send home communication about any HGT/GT events that are offered in the district to engage our families. Additionally, the GT coordinator will be available to meet with individual families to conference as needed.
Our main school focus is to foster motivational and respectful classrooms, high and clear expectations, and offer resources and appropriate physical environment to support student learning. In addition, teachers are focused on providing clear communication of the stands-based content objectives as well as successful methods of checking the understanding of standards taught.
More information and complete grade and parent meeting locations.
Schools with students in grades K-8 will identify all GT students, based on their eligibility under district identification policies, provide an on-line Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) and provide appropriate instructional services to address the needs of identified gifted and talented and academically advanced students.
The Department administers a variety of programs to address the needs of this special population. The chart provides a brief overview of some of the differences among the programs.